Tuesday, January 11, 2011

ESL: sentence game

This was recently going around with my friends on FB and it struck me immediately how this would be a great mini-game for the ESL classroom.

: sentence construction, vocabulary, months, (ordinal) numbers

Practice: Use chart with sentences and have students read out loud using their own birthday.

Practice + α: Interviewing.
Students must ask each other, "When is your birthday?"
Student A responds with the date.
Student B uses the chart (with sentences) and writes down Student A's name and the corresponding sentence.

Practice + α, 1: Interviewing.
Students must ask each other, "When is your birthday?"
Student A responds with the sentence.
Student B uses the chart (with sentences) and writes down Student A's name and the corresponding date.

Practice + α, 2:
Provide the same chart with the sentence parts removed.
Students create their own sentence parts.
Follow up with interviewing or other.

Needless to say you must change the sentences on this original!!

That having been said, here is the chart:

Cheers! (^_-)-☆

Thanks again for stopping into my little corner of the 'net, and Happy Browsing!!

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