Tuesday, February 01, 2011

East meets West: Miso Pizza!

What could be better on a cold winter night than a union of two greats - Miso and Pizza!

Mix miso sauce and set aside.
2 TB White Miso
2 TB Red Miso
1 TB Sake
1 TB Mirin (real not the imitation mirin-flavoring)
2 TSP Sugar
1 TSP Tamari

Version 1:
Spread the above miso sauce on a rice-based pizza shell.
Sprinkle with red pepper flakes!

Top with the following cheeses:
1 layer provolone, 1 layer mozzerella.

* Baking time dependent on pizza shell. For Udi's which I recommend, 7-10 minutes @ 350F.

Version 2:
Spread the above miso sauce on a rice-based pizza shell.
Sprinkle with one drained mini can of water-packed tuna (about 80g)
Use lots Habenero White cheese!

* Baking time dependent on pizza shell. For Udi's which I recommend, 7-10 minutes @ 350F.

Cheers! (^_-)-☆

Thanks again for stopping into my little corner of the 'net, and Happy Browsing!!

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