Although the censorship is not as bad as the Chinese government that goes so far as to eradicate the sharing of "subversive" information or calls to gather by private individuals, the quick action to censor on the part of the media we saw in the Disappearing Prime Minister Incident was truly a portent of things to come.
As we slip into August, Japan is faced with another SOUTHERN earthquake, an M6.1
What is interesting to note (and a sign of things to come) is that unlike other previous articles on the recent southern earthquakes, the media is no longer even addressing whether these southern minor quakes (M6+) are RELATED or NOT to the upcoming M8+ predicted for that exact region.
So just in case, there's another Disappearing Prime Minister , I cut and pasted the original article here. Of course, if you don't say anything in the first place, then you don't have anything to hide. Or in the case of the Japanese media, erase and replace.
気象庁によると、震源の深さは約20キロ、マグニチュードは6・1と推定される。 この地震により、若干の海面変動があるかもしれないが、被害の心配はないという。震度4は同県浜松市、富士宮市、横浜市、甲府市、長野県松本市、東京都新島村など。
(2011年8月2日00時02分 読売新聞)
Cheers! (^_-)-☆
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