Friday, March 18, 2011

Information Gap

I was called in for a little chat with the VP this morning AGAIN. (That woman seriously scares me.) Fortunately, it was a harmless session, but after reading this below, I have a feeling it was more for her to check on my emotional stability with the ongoing news of earthquakes, reactor failings, tsunamis, REACTOR FAILINGS.

The U.S. embassy in Tokyo has urged citizens living within 80 km (50 miles) of the Daiichi plant to evacuate or remain indoors "as a precaution," while Britain's foreign office urged citizens "to consider leaving the area." Other nations have urged nationals in Japan to leave the country or head south.

Towards the end of the meeting she mentioned that the French government was officially telling its citizens throughout ALL of Japan to flee the country because it was going to sink or some such nonsense. (I thought California was supposed to be the one sinking into the Pacific?)

Anyway, a well written article, not the enflammed sensationalist crap that is usually present by today's so-called reporters. Breaks rhythm by inexplicably jumping into finance towards the end, but then refinds its original path and sails on to a smooth finish. Worth the read.

It's Friday.
It's a day for drinking, not sinking.

Cheers! (^_-)-☆

Thanks again for stopping into my little corner of the 'net, and Happy Browsing!!

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